maandag 23 juni 2008


This Is Africa, welcome! Apparently there is some kind of admission procedure whereby one must undergo a great ordeal... Last friday Bram was admitted to the ICU of Constantiaberg medi-clinic where he is treated for a severe lung embolism. He is stable now, not yet out of the woods but in good hands. Dr Millers team are constantly keeping a close eye on him. His body needs time to react to the medications to dissolve the large blood clot and to overcome the shock.
In the meantime the renovation works continue to finish off our private section asap. When Bram comes home he can heal there at his own pace so that we can finally start with the realization of our African Dream.

1 opmerking:

Gerd en Dirk zei

Lieve Bram en Margaux,

we sturen bij deze heel veel (digitale) zoenen, knuffels, omhelzingen, liefde, positiviteit, ... naar jullie toe.
Van harte beterschap, we denken veel aan jou/jullie.
Gerd en Dirk - Emma en Suzanne.