maandag 30 juni 2008

Onkruid vergaat niet!

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I left the hospital after ten days! It goes without saying that I will have to regain my strenghts, take it easy for a while and be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. But that is the least of my worries.
It is of course frustrating to sit back and watch everyone work so hard while there is so much to do, but full recovery has to be my number one focuss for the time being.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my brother and Lieve for all their support in this difficult times. But most of all my wonderful girlfriend Margaux who has had it very hard but showed she's a real fighter like myself!
As true Flandrians we'll overcome this and look at the future with a positive mind!


maandag 23 juni 2008


This Is Africa, welcome! Apparently there is some kind of admission procedure whereby one must undergo a great ordeal... Last friday Bram was admitted to the ICU of Constantiaberg medi-clinic where he is treated for a severe lung embolism. He is stable now, not yet out of the woods but in good hands. Dr Millers team are constantly keeping a close eye on him. His body needs time to react to the medications to dissolve the large blood clot and to overcome the shock.
In the meantime the renovation works continue to finish off our private section asap. When Bram comes home he can heal there at his own pace so that we can finally start with the realization of our African Dream.

vrijdag 13 juni 2008

Some very sad news...

Yesterday our Lola past away. One of the builders left the front gate open, being a beagle she had to follow her nose which let her to the main road. There she was hit by a car. We are devestated...

vrijdag 6 juni 2008

The real African Queen arrived!

After mum and I also arrived safe and sound in Noordhoek, we were unexpectedly joined by Brams brother Daan and his girlfriend Lieve. They have decided to continue their journey through Africa from Cape Town. While waiting for their jeep, which should be somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean between Ghana and Cape Town, they will explore the Cape a bit.
We started off with a walk on Noordhoek beach and some sundowners at the Red Herring.

We're also stocked to have our television connected and especially to be able to view a few Belgian programme's such as the news. That way we still feel somehow connected with our home country.

Driving on the left side of the road, asks for some adjustment. The windscreen wipers of the car have been switched on many times instead of the indicators and I even caught myself twice being a ghost driver (luckily on deserted roads!). Absolute concentration is a must!

As for the renovations, only one word springs to mind: DUST. Because Noor and his team are making new door- and window openings, the whole house is constantly covered in a layer of dust. Even the wardrobes which we had taped, have caught dust inside.
We can't do a whole lot until Noor finished with the structural works. Meanwhile mum and I have been doing some interior shopping: choosing paint colours, floors, furniture, even the picknick baskets have been purchased.