woensdag 29 oktober 2008

Beyond expectation!

On the beautiful wine estate "Beyond Expectation" in the Constantia Valley there are occassionaly things happing beyond expectation.
During a luxurious picnic under the oak trees I (Bram) proposed (on my knees) to my - up until then - girlfriend Margaux. Yes, after almost a decade together we are tying the knots. Prepare for a lavish party in spring next year in Belgium! Of course there will be a South African party as well.

Sunny greetings from the Cape
Bram & Margaux

maandag 20 oktober 2008


The sunlovers were spoiled during the past weekend!

Marketing is very important.

Back to the roots.

Don't forget to relax ourselves of course!

Badu, ready for his walk on the beach.

maandag 6 oktober 2008

Bram 34th Bday party

Our first party at the African Queen!
Nice company, delicious Cape malay curry and sipping a glass of South African wine in the sun.
Does there need to be anything else?